Top 3 ways to have a simpler Christmas.

The stress of today’s lifestyle is constant. Beeping phones, email, text, Twitter,  – you name it – it is an added stress to an already stressed and busy life

Christmas Cards. We know who our friends are, they know we are there for them. Ordering, signing, stuffing, adding return and mailing addresses, not to mention stamps and the grumpy man at the post office –  It can take days. Consider sending out a heartfelt holiday message using Facebook or email. WIll some consider it impersonal? Yes, but lose the fear of being judged – if they judge you – maybe they should be off the Christmas card list altogher!!

Gifts. I know I prefer less stuff and would rather have one thing that I really like than a pile of gifts that I don’t really like or need. If you have kids – they want the BIG packages and get easily sidetracked with with lots of gifts. Exchanging gifts with co-workers or friends, how about a gift card from Amazon. No driving, shopping or wrapping. Better yet a Secret Santa exchange – you only have to buy one gift. Everyone likes an Amazon card – they can buy what they want.

Entertaining. This one is a biggie it involves invitations, RSVP’ing, decorating, shopping and cooking the food. Not to mention place cards, making punch or buying all the drinks that people want. Having a Christmas cocktail party is probably one of the most stressful things you could do to yourself. How about that Secret Santa exchange, have everyone bring a dish. Put on some Christmas Carols, put the food out on a buffet and let the good times roll.  Even your Christmas day feast, consider asking everyone to bring a dish. make it easy on yourself, and if your plates don’t match – don’t sweat it. Only the judgemental are judging you and they should be off your list anyway.

Whether it is Christmas or Channukah – make it a day to feel the love and warmth of family and friends. Forget the “stuff” it is time to relax, count your blessings and be present in the moment. Life flies by, make your memories about job and laughter not stress and gifts, Christmas cards and being the perfect host/hostess.  Your family and friends love you as you are. If you have a judgmental family member – ignore – it’s their problem – not yours.simpler Christmas

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